Who's Who in the New Testament?

1)  Who was the mother of Jesus?

a)  Martha
b)  Anna
c)  Dinah
d)  Mary


2)  Who did Jesus raise from the dead?

a)  Peter
b)  James
c)  Lazarus
d)  Mary Magdalene


3)  Who baptized Jesus?

a)  Joseph
b)  John
c)  Peter
d)  Saul


4)  Who tried to dispose of baby Jesus by making a decree that all baby boys should be killed?

a)  Tiberius
b)  Herod
c)  Pharaoh
d)  Augustus


5)  Who was Jesus' stepfather?

a)  Joseph
b)  Peter
c)  James
d)  Zechariah


6)  Which apostle led Christ's church after Jesus was killed?

a)  Thomas
b)  Lazarus
c)  Timothy
d ) Peter


7)  Which apostle betrayed Jesus with a kiss for money?

a)  Judas
b)  Luke
c)  Thomas
d)  Timothy


8)  Who was converted on the road to Damascus and later became one of the greatest missionaries in the New Testament?

a)  John
b)  Saul / Paul
c)  Lazarus
d)  Timothy


9)  Who would not believe that Jesus was resurrected until he saw Him with his own eyes?

a)  Joseph
b)  Thomas
c)  Lazarus
d)  Saul / Paul


10)  Who atoned, suffered, was crucified, and was resurrected for all mankind, making Him the Savior?

a)  John
b)  James
c)  Jesus Christ
i d)  Peter

Quiz script provided by
El Portal Church of Christ